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Quut: Innovative and Sustainable Beach Toys


Quut is a Belgian brand that designs and produces innovative and sustainable beach toys for children. The brand was founded in 2012 by a team of designers who wanted to create toys that were not only fun but also environmentally friendly.

Design and Sustainability

Quut’s toys are designed with both children and the environment in mind. The brand uses high-quality, durable materials that are free from harmful chemicals and can withstand the wear and tear of beach jouer. Quut’s toys are also designed to be multifunctional, encouraging children to use their imagination and creativity.

In addition to their innovative design, Quut’s toys are also sustainable. The brand uses recycled and recyclable materials wherever possible, and their toys are designed to last for years, reducing the need for constant replacement. Quut also works with local suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint and support the local economy.

Gamme de produits

Quut’s product range includes a variety of beach toys, from shovels and buckets to sandcastle molds and water toys. Each toy is designed to be easy to use and fun for children of all ages. Some of the brand’s most popular toys include the Triplet, a multifunctional shovel, sieve, and rake, and the Cuppi, a shovel and ball game in one.

Overall, Quut is a brand that combines innovation, sustainability, and fun to create high-quality beach toys that children will love. With their commitment to the environment and their focus on design, Quut is a brand that parents can feel good about buying for their children.

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