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OMY: Eine Marke, die Kreativität und Fantasie anregt

Wer ist OMY?

OMY ist eine französische Marke, die sich auf die Entwicklung einzigartiger und innovativer Produkte spezialisiert hat, die Kreativität und Fantasie anregen. Die Marke wurde 2012 von den beiden Grafikdesignerinnen Elvire Laurent und Marie-Cerise Lichtlé gegründet, die eine Leidenschaft für Kunst und Design teilten.

Was macht OMY so besonders?

OMY is known for its playful and colourful designs that appeal to both children and adults. The brand’s products range from colouring posters and maps to party decorations and stationery. What sets OMY apart from other brands is its commitment to sustainability and ethical production. All of OMY’s products are made in France using eco-friendly materials and processes.

OMY’s products are designed to encourage creativity and imagination in children and adults alike. The brand’s colouring posters and maps are not only fun to colour in, but they also provide an opportunity for children to learn about geography and culture. OMY’s party decorations and stationery are perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to any celebration or workspace.

In addition to its products, OMY also offers workshops and events that promote creativity and artistic expression. The brand’s workshops are designed to be fun and interactive, and they provide participants with the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques.

Overall, OMY is a brand that inspires creativity and imagination through its unique and innovative products, commitment to sustainability, and dedication to promoting artistic expression. Whether you’re a child or an adult, OMY has something to offer that will spark your creativity and bring a smile to your face.

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