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Mr Maria: Eine Marke für verspielte und skurrile Beleuchtung


Mr Maria is a Dutch brand that specializes in creating playful and whimsical lighting for children’s rooms. The brand was founded in 2006 by Jannes Hak and Lennart Bosker, who wanted to create products that would bring joy and happiness to children and their parents.

The Brand’s Philosophy

Mr Maria’s philosophy is to create products that are not only functional but also fun and inspiring. The brand believes that lighting can be more than just a source of illumination; it can also be a source of comfort, imagination, and creativity.

Mr Maria’s products are designed to be simple, yet playful, with a focus on clean lines and soft shapes. The brand’s signature product is the Miffy lamp, which is based on the beloved children’s book character created by Dutch artist Dick Bruna. The Miffy lamp is a simple, white, bunny-shaped lamp that emits a warm and comforting glow, making it the perfect addition to any child’s room.

In addition to the Miffy lamp, Mr Maria also offers a range of other playful and whimsical lighting products, including the Nanuk Eisbär Lampe, die Elefantenlampe Anana und die Puppenlampe Kokeshi. Jedes Produkt soll die Fantasie anregen und Kindern und Erwachsenen ein Gefühl der Freude und des Staunens vermitteln.

The Brand’s Commitment to Sustainability

Mr Maria is committed to sustainability and ethical production practices. The brand uses eco-friendly materials whenever possible and works with suppliers who share their commitment to sustainability. Additionally, all of Mr Maria’s products are designed to last, with a focus on durability and longevity.

In conclusion, Mr Maria is a brand that embodies playfulness, whimsy, and creativity. With a focus on simple yet inspiring designs, the brand’s products are sure to bring joy and happiness to any child’s room. And with a commitment to sustainability and ethical production practices, Mr Maria is a brand that parents can feel good about supporting.

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